Learn German
Berlitz gives you the language skills needed to live in Germany.
The Berlitz German language training packages provide you with all the skills needed for finding a job in Germany.
بيرلتز يمنحك المهارات اللغوية اللازمة للعيش في ألمانيا

These packages are available to professionals in the following fields:
- Nursing
- Medical Specialists
- Doctors
- Pharmacists
- Dentists
- Engineers
- IT Professionals
- and many more…
Course Structure
Live and Live-Online lessons delivered by our experienced, native-speaking Berlitz instructors using the proven-effective Berlitz Method® and course materials.
The Berlitz levels for German are aligned with the CEFR levels and training objectives are set according to the following immigration milestones:
- Achieve A2
- Achieve B1
- Achieve B2
Course material focuses on Berlitz speaking goals as well as skills training and TELC exam preparation.

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